New Technology Solves Main Issue with Single-Bottle Adhesives
Presenter: Dr. Mark McOmie
Release Date: 2/9/17
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 2/9/28
AGD Subject Code: 250
Reviewed: 2025
In the last 6 years, many new bonding agents have entered the market. Some of these materials have not been able to deal effectively with the main issue with dentin bonding - water absorption. Many single-bottle adhesives absorb more moisture than multiple-bottle systems & bond durability can be affected.
This CE webinar will show clinical cases with a new single-bottle universal adhesive that contains a new monomer that has properties similar to a “Gold Standard” 6th generation adhesive. Direct posterior & anterior cases will be illustrated as well as zirconia bonding with this new adhesive material.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will learn: • Why many single-bottle adhesives degrade from dentin fluid • How to create stable, durable dentin bonds • Direct bonding technique that is quick but does not compromise strength or sealing • How to treat and chemically bond zirconia restorations • How the new MDP-AMIDE chemistry solves water absorption problem with single-bottle adhesives
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