Efficient Same Day Zirconia Workflows: From Prep to Design to Seat 2024
Presenter: Dr. Jonathan Ford
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
The popularity of zirconia has exploded in the dental space over the last couple of years but not all zirconias are the same. This CE webinar will focus on the different types of zirconia and explain the pros and cons of each. Additionally, it will explore same day workflows with zirconia crowns, starting with crown prep design and ending with different cementing and bonding protocols.
Injection Molded Advanced Adhesion Composites
Presenter: Dr. Richard Young
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
Dentin bonding and minimally invasive dentistry began with Dr. Takao Fusayama and his concepts of etching dentin and chemical bonding in 1978. This CE webinar will review a clinician’s experiences with the materials and techniques from 1986 to present day 2024. Clinical experiences of what has worked and has not worked in the past 38 years will be discussed and reviewed in this podcast. From the early days of dentin bonding to new injection molding with clear matrix systems will be reviewed and discussed in detail from a practicing clinicians’ perspective.
A 38-Year Clinical Perspective on Adhesion and Minimally Invasive Dentistry
Presenter: Dr. Richard Young
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
Dentin bonding and minimally invasive dentistry began with Dr. Takao Fusayama and his concepts of etching dentin and chemical bonding in 1978. This CE webinar will review a clinician’s experiences with the materials and techniques from 1986 to present day 2023. A history of dentin bonding and clinical techniques that have provided exceptional clinical results will be reviewed as well as some trends that did not last. Modern systems, that include; clear matrices, injection molding, advanced techniques that have been shown to insulate the pulp will all be reviewed.
Efficient Same Day Zirconia Workflows: From Prep to Design to Seat
Presenter: Dr. Jonathan Ford
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
Zirconia blocks are amazing block for the CAD CAM systems, as the combination creates dynamite clinical results in as little as one patient visit. Zirconia has amazing strength allowing for minimal prep reduction as well as multiple layers which gives the final restoration optimal esthetics. Zirconia also gives the clinician the opportunity to cement or bond the restoration in place depending on different clinical scenarios.
An Esthetic Chairside Zirconia for Comprehensive Dentistry
Presenter: Dr. Jenny Apekian
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
Join us in this CE webinar as we will review applications of zirconia for a variety of clinical scenarios while maintaining control over the final outcome with chairside milling.
Holy Cow! I Didn't Know You Could Do That with Composite
Presenter: Dr. John Gammichia
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
This CE webinar opens your mind to the endless possibilities of composite. If you have a superior bond, then you can do anything. Dr. Gammichia will walk you through doing a 2, 3,4 and 5 cusp posterior restoration. Hey, it’s the real world out there and when you tell someone they need a crown, what do you do if they can’t afford it? Let’s restore it with composite. How about the huge deep hole in a tooth? Can all your patients afford an RCT and core and a crown? Start to think outside of the box and treat these patients more conservatively. The restorations are beautiful, less expensive for the patients (very profitable for you) and they last for decades.
Chairside Esthetic Zirconia Restorations: Delivering Strength Without Compromise!
Presenter: Dr. Karyn Halpern
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
One of the most popular restorative options available today for patients is the use of full-contoured milled zirconia. Advances in new multilayered zirconia blocks and sintering technology, combined with the ability to super-fast mill zirconia restorations, affords the opportunity to provide single-visit zirconia restorations for our patients in a fast and efficient manner. Zirconia restorations can be predictably and efficiently milled, sintered, polished, and delivered in as little as an hour. In this CE webinar, Karyn M. Halpern DMD, MS will discuss the chairside workflow using zirconia. The properties and clinical applications of Zirconia will be reviewed. Techniques on how to pre-polish, polish after sintering, and stain and glaze will be presented.
Exceptional Long-Term Results with Class-V Restorations
Presenter: Dr. Troy Schmedding, DDS, AACD
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
A 63-year, systematic review of long-term clinical research on Non-Carious Cervical Lesions (NCCL’s) has been published and provides great clinical feedback on these unique, non-retentive restorations. This CE webinar will discuss these long-term results and illustrate with cases & technique videos which materials & techniques can provide the best, proven clinical results. Clinical questions like, what type of adhesives are best, what type of composite is best, what etching technique is best etc....will all be discussed & answered in this webinar.
Critical Techniques for Veneers and Anterior Ceramics
Presenter: Dr. Joseph Willardsen
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
In the last 10 years, there has been improvements in the preparation, seating, and finishing of anterior esthetic restorations. This CE webinar will review, with clinical cases, important clinical guidelines on case selection and avoidance, smile design and corrections techniques, new aesthetic materials, conservative preparation designs, impression techniques to achieve predictable results and seating and finishing tips.
What You Should Know About Zirconia in 2022
Presenter: Dr. Nathaniel Lawson
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
During this CE webinar, the participant will review • the different types of zirconia and what are their properties • clinical indications for zirconia • how to bond zirconia
Full Mouth Rehabilitation with Zirconia - Keys to Success
Presenter: Dr. Jimmy Londono
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
With the introduction of multiple zirconia materials (3y, 5y, 4y) and now Yttria Multilayered it is important to understand what zirconia is and how these versions are different and their proper use in full mouth reconstruction patients. This CE webinar will review these different types of zirconia and explain why, when and where they should be properly utilized. The proper treatment and bonding of zirconia will also be reviewed as well how to understand and use zirconia confidently with natural dentition or implants.
The Latest Techniques for Full and Partial Coverage Restorations: From Prep to Temp to Final Cementation
Presenter: Dr. Amelia Orta
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
There have been important advancements in the selection, treatment, and delivery of modern ceramics (lithium disilicate, zirconia, multi-layered zirconia etc…). This CE webinar will present complete clinical cases that will illustrate the latest clinical techniques and adhesive technologies for bonding full and partial coverage all ceramic restorations. Each step of the latest clinical procedures will be discussed and illustrated with references to key research.
Intelligent Simplification of Direct Composites
Presenter: Dr. Michael Morgan
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
In the past several years there have been improvements in composite and adhesion technologies. These new technologies enable clinicians to place the majority of their direct composites with a simplified bonding and composite technique. This course will review these materials & techniques with anterior Class-IV restorations & common posterior restorations. A Value-Based, shade system will be reviewed and clinical techniques to improve color matching anterior restorations.
Tooth Preserving Dentistry: Taking Direct Composites to the Next Level
Presenter: Dr. Richard Young
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
This CE webinar will review, in a real world “wet fingered” dentist’s way, some of the techniques, materials, and key research, behind 34 years of advanced adhesive minimally invasive dentistry. It will help take your direct composites to the next level. New injection molding techniques combined with advanced adhesion techniques will be presented. A clinical review of successful, long-term clinical cases will be reviewed as well.
Maximizing Results for Ceramic Restorations: With IDS & Resin Coating
Presenter: Dr. Steven Schiffenhaus
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
Modern ceramics and advanced adhesive techniques allow us to restore teeth similar to their natural biomechanical function. Unfortunately, the fundamentals of ceramics and bonding are still not widely understood. The leading cause of failure for posterior ceramics is fracture. While most doctors understand that fractures are the result of poor preparation design, few understand that poor bonding can reduce the fracture resistance of a ceramic restoration. In this CE webinar we will review preparation fundamentals and designs that maximize ceramic fracture resistance. Additionally, adhesive techniques such as IDS & Resin Coating can increase bond strengths up to 400% and lead to long term retention of minimally invasive, ceramic restorations. These techniques will also minimize post-operative sensitivity and root canals. Clinical cases will be re-viewed to illustrate these preparation & restorative techniques.
Mastering Esthetics and Function with Contemporary Zirconia Restorations:
Clinical Decisions in Daily Practice
Presenter: Dr. Sergio Arias
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
Dr. Arias will present a step-by-step approach to diagnosing, treatment planning, and sequencing esthetic rehabilitations. The CE webinar will include discussions of the following: • Smile Design • Ceramic System Selection • Adhesive System Selection with Bonding Protocols
New Technology Solves Main Issue with Single-Bottle Adhesives
Presenter: Dr. Mark McOmie
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
This CE webinar will show clinical cases with a new single-bottle universal adhesive that contains a new monomer that has properties similar to a “Gold Standard” 6th generation adhesive. Direct posterior & anterior cases will be illustrated as well as zirconia bonding with this new adhesive material.
Tooth Structure: Nature's Best Restorative Material
Presenter: Dr. Richard Young
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
This CE webinar will review, in a real world “wet fingered” dentist’s way, some of the techniques, technologies and key research on how to perform advanced adhesion dentistry simply in your office on a daily basis. These techniques can eliminate post-operative pain & increase the longevity of adhesive restorations dramatically while preserving the maximum amount of tooth structure. These techniques will be illustrated with step-by-step images and videos of multiple clinical cases.
Latest Technologies That Solve Esthetic & Function Issues with Indirect Restorations
Presenter: Dr. Joseph Willardsen
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
In the past 3-4 years these have been advancements in esthetic zirconia-based ceramics and adhesive resin cements that provide solutions to some esthetic and function restorative issues. This CE webinar will introduce and discuss these new materials and technologies and illustrate, with clinical cases, how they can solve some anterior & posterior esthetic issues as well as issues with function. A new resin cement technology that solves the self-cure issue with most dual-cure resin cements will be discussed and illustrated as well.
A New Simpler Way to Bond eMax and All Ceramic Restorations
Presenter: Dr. Greg Campbell
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
This CE webinar is designed for any office that currently cements or bonds ceramic restorations. What are the steps for success? Tissue control techniques will be discussed. Participants will be introduced to a new generation of resin cements and will be shown step by step, how to be more efficient and productive as well as simplify their cementation process.
Class-IV Restorations: Simplified, Esthetic & Predictable
Presenter: Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
Large Class-IV restorations can present an esthetic challenge and be time consuming for many clinicians. This CE webinar will review simplified techniques combined with new composite technologies that provide very wide blending effects making direct large anterior restorations more esthetic and easier than ever. A key technique that improves the blending affects dramatically will be discussed and illustrated.
Simplifying All Ceramics
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
In the last 10 years all ceramic & zirconia restorations have become extremely popular and are increasing in use every year. With this increase, there have been new materials that require different clinical selection criteria, different surface treatments, different cementing options etc...This CE webinar will review zirconia, lithium dissilicate & certain feldspathic ceramics and simplify their requirements for clinical selection, cementation, adjustments and polishing.
How to Achieve Predictable Esthetics Easily with New Composite Technology
Presenter: Dr. Jeffrey Hoos
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
In the last 4 years, there have been major advances in composite technology in relation to color matching, blending, shade-taking & layering techniques. This CE webinar will illustrate these new technologies and demonstrate how they can be easily implemented to dramatically improve anterior & posterior direct restorations for your patients, while simplifying your technique and time.
101 Uses For Flowable Composites
Presenter: Dr. Michael Morgan
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
Flowable composite resins have a multitude of uses in general restorative dentistry. Their low viscosity and ability to be placed in very small and precise increments makes them the ideal restorative material in many instances. This CE webinar will provide clinicians with the knowledge and skills to comfortably and predictably use flowable composites in many treatment modalities. Subjects discussed will include sealants, Class I, II and V direct resin restorations, indirect restoration block-out, provisionalization, mockups, occlusion and repairs/renewals.
Immediate Dentin Sealing: The Most Important Advancement in Adhesion Dentistry
Presenter: Dr. David Alleman
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)
Release Date:
This CE webinar will present the clinical techniques, materials and the published, scientific, literature on Immediate Dentin Sealing (IDS). The combination of this technique with a gold standard bonding system will maintain the seal on dentin, prevent secondary caries, eliminate post-operative pain and preserve pulp vitality.